Dr. John Demartini is a behavioral expert and philosopher and has used the Demartini Method he developed to help countless people improve their mental and physiological health across the board so that they feel fully fulfilled. According to Dr. John Demartini's definition is very simple: Being mentally healthy means being aware of your own individual priorities and values ​​and living your life according to them. But what does setting priorities mean for an individual person?

Dr. John Demartini – the guide who shows people the way to a fulfilling life

Dr. John Demartini is a world-renowned expert on human behavior and the human body in all its physiological complexity. At the age of 66, which you absolutely can't tell, he has read over 30,000 books. With the resulting and always present knowledge, he would theoretically have a status of 300 Dr. titles. He himself is the author of many books such as “the values ​​factor” and “the breakthrough experience”.

Dr. John Demartini gives seminars and speeches all over the world in which he develops his ideas Demartini method applied every day. In doing so, it helps people to lead a more fulfilling and conscious life, which can improve the quality of life and in... Balance with your own set priorities instead of orienting oneself towards foreign social values.

There are now countless gurus who coach people to improve their mental health Health to optimize. A big trend is “positive thinking” and simply being positive, eliminating negative thoughts and only seeing everything beautiful in the world. These coaches have some success with their methods, but often not in the long term and not holistically. The basic problem is that you create the illusion of a perfect world in which unrealistic expectations of yourself and the outside world are promoted.
Nobody can always be positive and happy and the subconscious also shows you this reality: everything has two opposite sides; there is dark and light, day and night, summer and winter, joy and anger and so on. It is not possible to wipe out the opposing side because that would contradict basic physical laws.

Science instead of esotericism

The methods of Dr. John Demartini are based on extremely complex science that is linked to high physics, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences. Everything he explains about mental processes and subjective perception, which is ultimately the basis for the mental state, can be measured in the brain. He can explain exactly which processes occur in which part of the brain, for example when unrealistic expectations or one-sided perceptions arise. These are exactly the main topics that come with it Dr. Demartini method in balance to be brought. The method is explained in more detail in a section below.

Setting priorities – what does it really mean?

Set priorities in life – these words can almost be described as clichés, because in many areas of life you are advised: “You just have to set your priorities right!”, or “You have to set priorities” . In reality, however, many people are unable to do this at all. This is primarily due to the fact that a large part of the population is not even aware of which values ​​are important to them personally and what they actually are own priorities are. We often orientate ourselves on social expectations and foreign values, which we unconsciously learn about, among other things, through social media and in our daily social life, thereby creating illusions in our brain:

For example, you see pictures of a friend who neither has a partner, children or a family and who constantly goes on spontaneous short trips or trips. She seems super happy and you start to want that independence. So you sit at the breakfast table with your family and compare yourself to this other person who doesn't have to worry about making bread for the children and has no family obligations and responsibilities.

You wish you could be so free and just spontaneously fly to London and make new acquaintances there. In this moment, on the one hand, the illusion arises that the freedom and independence that this friend has only benefits her and her life and you want that too. On the other hand, another illusion arises, namely that you would also like to have this life.

The brain consciously ignores the fact that freedom and independence also have disadvantages for your girlfriend and that the life you have chosen brings with it advantages that correspond to your own values: you are a family person and don't want to be alone live and the subconscious tells you that too, but you don't consciously notice it.

The example shows the two most important points that Dr. Demartini's method is based on:

1. Every person has their own individual values ​​and priorities , according to which they shape their lives – whether unconsciously or consciously. The more aware you are of these, the less you compare yourself with others and the less illusions and unrealistic expectations arise.

2. Everything in life always has two sides and for mental health it is imperative to be aware of both sides.

Identify personal priorities and set priorities

Many people are not really aware of what things are actually important to them. The clearer it is to you own priorities However, the better you can be, the better you can be aim and time management methods are becoming more and more efficient.

Dr. Demartini has developed some specific questions to help you become aware of your priorities can. The priority determination can be made on the following page:

Once you know clearly what is really important to you, you can plan your day with the right prioritization. You make a to-do list and ask yourself for each task what form the tasks take support personal priorities . The complex thing is that you have to build the right bridges. Some tasks are indirectly related to the priorities. Someone can be in a job where they don't really enjoy the activities themselves, but they earn enough money from them that they need to be able to pursue their highest priority. Maybe it's traveling or an expensive hobby like driving luxury cars. When he realizes why he's doing the job, he'll appreciate it more and complain less about not having fun.

A life in balance – always see both sides

The Demartini method can – depending on the case – be relatively complex. Broken down, however, it's about seeing things in balance and recognizing that everything has two sides. The more you lives in your priorities , the more you accept these two sides.

So, for example, if your top priority is driving luxury cars and you are aware of this, then of course you can see all the advantages of it on the one hand, but also disadvantages: #

You have to work a lot and earn good money, a scratch on your car quickly becomes costly, you put a lot more strain on the environment, other people might see you as superficial and much more.

The goal is always to see both sides in balance and accept that as reality, because then you are no longer in an illusion.

The conclusion to the Demartini Method

Dr. John Demartini's methods are scientifically based, sustainable and applicable to every person. However, identifying individual priorities and that Setting priorities is challenging and the further questions of his Demartini method are time-consuming and complex.

However, the basics can help each person live more consciously according to their own values ​​and thereby have a more fulfilling life. Ultimately, it's always about your own individual perception and this can be changed through active awareness so that you see things in balance and see and accept both sides - the good and the challenging.

Ines Maria Schulz, born on December 1st, 1992 in Basel, Switzerland, also completed her Master of Education in biology and WAH there, laying the foundation for the understanding of physiology and anatomy as well as nutrition. She is also a trained primary school sports teacher. For two years she has been a coach at MTM Personal Training, the most successful personal training studio in Berlin. There she supports customers every day who want to exploit their maximum potential in terms of mental and physical health and performance. In cooperation with doctors like Dr. Dominik Nischwitz and a laboratory for intestinal health as well as the constant exchange within the team, she can provide her customers with optimal advice about training, nutrition, micronutrients and lifestyle. She has already written a breakfast book and a large part of a lifestyle booklet for MTM. She also writes the weekly newsletter, which publishes nutritional tips and recipes she has created. Ines has completed seminars and certificates with a variety of successful coaches and specialists and is constantly expanding her skills. The young trainer has been writing blog articles for Supz Nutrition since January 2019.

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