Why a high-fat diet makes you slim

Fats are flavor carriers; they make food salty, sour and bitter or umami (Japanese for savory, savory). It's not for nothing that people like to eat foods like butter, bacon or eggs.

The opinion that saturated fats should only occupy a small place in the diet because they make you fat and sick is firmly anchored in people's minds. Saturated fats include the tasty fats found in butter, eggs and meat,

However, recent research shows that avoiding fat does not make people slimmer, but rather has the opposite effect. Avoiding fats is bad for your health. (Teicholz, 2016)

Low-fat doesn't make you slim, it makes you sick

In order to prevent heart disease and arterial osclerosis, scientists have been recommending that animal fats be greatly reduced for over 60 years (including Ancel Keys). However, current scientific literature has concluded that saturated fat cannot be said to cause heart disease. (Praagman et al., 2016) A low-fat diet leads to the opposite. If people avoid fat, they have to compensate for the energy deficit with carbohydrates (sugar, fructose, white flour products). However, a diet rich in carbohydrates causes fat to be stored in the blood, membranes or tissue. The US research team led by physiologist Jeff Volek from Ohio State University found in a pilot study that excess carbohydrates are not used as energy sources, but are stored as fat, which can ultimately lead to obesity, diabetes or heart disease. Not low-fat but low-carb is the key to health!

Fat burners: low-carb and high-fat

Low-carb diet, which reduces carbohydrate intake and combines it with high-fat food, causes the body to immediately burn the fats it consumes. The reason for weight gain is therefore not the consumption of fatty foods, but rather too many carbohydrates.

Teicholz therefore advises “eat what you have avoided all these years: butter, eggs, meat. These foods fill you up and are healthy.”

However, Wolfram from the Institute of Food Science, Nutrition and Health at ETH Zurich specifies that saturated fatty acids should be partially replaced by unsaturated fatty acids. “In a direct comparison, unsaturated fatty acids perform better. They have a beneficial effect on the metabolism.”

Saturated fat – no problem for the heart and circulation

Studies of the East African Maasai warriors in the 1970s confirm the results. Foods such as meat and butter were part of the Massia's daily diet, but none of them suffered from obesity or high blood cholesterol levels. Even the oldest people showed no heart disease on the ECG. Recent studies of the Maasai show that a diet containing animal fats combined with regular running training produces excellent fat levels in the blood, strengthens the cardiovascular system, leads to weight loss and lowers blood pressure. (Mbalilaki, 2007)


Julia Mbalilaki: Physical activity and blood lipids in rural and urban Tanzanians. 2006 and 2007: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Julia+Mbalilaki

Praagman et al.: Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease Risk in a Dutch Middle-Aged and Elderly Population. 2016: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Praagman%20J%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=27417581

Nina Teicholz: The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?

www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/the-science-of-saturated-fat-a-big-fat-surprise-about-nutrition-9692121.html (Accessed 12 July. 2016)







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